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Product Number Product Name SKU Price  
128018Pastoral Theology: Essentials of MinistryS10-9780060663537CDN$44.06
128019Bread for the Journey: A Daybook of Wisdom and FaithS10-9780060663599CDN$28.86
128020Letters to Marc about Jesus: Living a Spiritual Life in a Material WorldS10-9780060663674CDN$18.22
128022To Know as We Are Known: A Spirituality of EducationS10-9780060664510CDN$22.78
128023Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying ImaginationS10-9780060665036CDN$25.82
128024Answering God: The Psalms as Tools for PrayerS10-9780060665128CDN$25.82
128025Leap Over a WallS10-9780060665227CDN$24.30
128026Talking to Your Children about GodS10-9780060667511CDN$22.78
128027The River of God: A New History of Christian OriginsS10-9780060669805CDN$22.78
128028Gnosis: The Nature and History of GnosticismS10-9780060670184CDN$36.40
128029Evidence Not Seen: A Woman's Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War IIS10-9780060670207CDN$25.82
128030The Healing Gifts of the SpiritS10-9780060670528CDN$27.34
128031The Kingdom Within: The Inner Meaning of Jesus' SayingsS10-9780060670542CDN$27.34
128034The Mind of the MakerS10-9780060670771CDN$31.90
128035Is the Homosexual My Neighbor? Revised and Updated: Positive Christian Response, a (Revised)S10-9780060670788CDN$24.30
128036Why Religion Matters: The Fate of the Human Spirit in an Age of DisbeliefS10-9780060671020CDN$24.30
128038Resurrection: Myth or Reality? (Revised)S10-9780060674298CDN$22.78
128039The Illustrated World's Religions: A Guide to Our Wisdom TraditionsS10-9780060674403CDN$39.50
128040Living in Sin?: A Bishop Rethinks Human SexualityS10-9780060675073CDN$25.82
128041Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of ScriptureS10-9780060675189CDN$28.86
128042This Hebrew LordS10-9780060675202CDN$27.34
128043Shame and Grace: Healing the Shame We Don't DeserveS10-9780060675226CDN$27.34
128044Born of a WomanS10-9780060675233CDN$22.78
128045Why Christianity Must Change or Die: A Bishop Speaks to Believers in ExileS10-9780060675363CDN$24.30
128047Liberating the Gospels: Reading the Bible with Jewish EyesS10-9780060675578CDN$28.86
128049The Rise of Christianity: How the Obscure, Marginal Jesus Movement Became the Dominant Religious Force in the Western World in a Few CenturiesS10-9780060677015CDN$28.86
128050Letters of the Scattered BrotherhoodS10-9780060677589CDN$22.78
128051Mother Teresa, A Gift for God: Prayers and MeditationsS10-9780060681524CDN$19.74
128052The Knowledge of the HolyS10-9780060684129CDN$27.34
128053The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Their Significance for Understanding the Bible, Judaism, Jesus, and ChristianityS10-9780060684655CDN$42.54
128054When Women Were Priests: Women's Leadership in the Early Church and the Scandal of Their Subordination inS10-9780060686611CDN$25.82
128055A Severe MercyS10-9780060688240CDN$25.82
128056The Message of the ProphetsS10-9780060689292CDN$25.84
128057The HarperCollins Bible Pronunciation GuideS10-9780060689629CDN$27.34
128058History Through the Eyes of Faith: Christian College Coalition SeriesS10-9780060692964CDN$28.86
128059Butler's Lives of the Saints: Concise Edition, Revised and UpdatedS10-9780060692995CDN$36.46
128060Seasons of Your Heart: Prayers and Reflections, Revised and ExpandedS10-9780060693008CDN$21.26
128061The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in GodS10-9780060693336CDN$44.06
128062Christ Among Us: A Modern Presentation of the Catholic Faith for Adults, Sixth EditionS10-9780060693497CDN$27.34
128063The Spirit of the Disciplines - Reissue: Understanding How God Changes LivesS10-9780060694425CDN$25.82
128064Power HealingS10-9780060695415CDN$22.78
128065The Song of the Seed: The Monastic Way of Tending the SoulS10-9780060695545CDN$19.74
128066Biology Through the Eyes of Faith: Christian College Coalition SeriesS10-9780060696955CDN$30.38
128067Gifts of the Spirit: Living the Wisdom of the Great Religious TraditionsS10-9780060697020CDN$30.38
128068Listening to Your Life: Daily Meditations with Frederick BuechnerS10-9780060698645CDN$25.82
128070Celebrating the Disciplines: A Workbook Journal to Accompany Celebration of DisciplineS10-9780060698676CDN$28.86
128072The Wisdom of Tenderness: What Happens When God's Fierce Mercy Transforms Our LivesS10-9780060724467CDN$27.34
128073A Glimpse of Jesus: The Stranger to Self-HatredS10-9780060724474CDN$27.34
128078Signs and Wonders: A Harmony NovelS10-9780060727079CDN$27.34
128079Just Shy of HarmonyS10-9780060727086CDN$27.34
128080A Place Called WiregrassS10-9780060727109CDN$24.30
128081Cash: The AutobiographyS10-9780060727536CDN$25.82
128083Mere Christianity JournalS10-9780060727659CDN$30.38
128084Home to HarmonyS10-9780060727666CDN$27.34
128085Slow Way HomeS10-9780060727673CDN$22.78
128086The Bible with Sources RevealedS10-9780060730659CDN$39.50
128087The Gospel According to Paul: The Creative Genius Who Brought Jesus to the WorldS10-9780060730666CDN$27.34
128088The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of FaithS10-9780060730680CDN$27.34
128090Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against ChristianityS10-9780060732073CDN$25.82
128091Let Freedom Ring: Winning the War of Liberty Over LiberalismS10-9780060735654CDN$33.42
128096The Cloud of UnknowingS10-9780060737757CDN$21.26
128098The Dark Night of the Soul: A Psychiatrist Explores the Connection Between Darkness and Spiritual GrowthS10-9780060750558CDN$25.82
128099A Faith Worth Believing: Finding New Life Beyond the Rules of ReligionS10-9780060750572CDN$22.72
128100Christian Meditation: Experiencing the Presence of GodS10-9780060750640CDN$27.34
128101Meister Eckhart: Selections from His Essential WritingsS10-9780060750657CDN$21.26
128102The Ways of the LordS10-9780060750664CDN$18.22
128103Bernard of Clairvaux: Selected WorksS10-9780060750671CDN$25.82
128105Little House 5-Book Full-Color Box Set: Books 1 to 5S10-9780060754280CDN$86.56
128106Gregory of Nyssa: The Life of MosesS10-9780060754648CDN$28.86
128107Francis & Clare of Assisi: Selected WritingsS10-9780060754655CDN$21.26
128108Augustine of Hippo: Selected WritingsS10-9780060754662CDN$21.26
128109John Calvin: Selections from His WritingsS10-9780060754679CDN$21.26
128110William Law: Selections from a Serious Call to a Devout and Holy LifeS10-9780060754686CDN$19.74
128112The Pietists: Selected WritingsS10-9780060754709CDN$19.74
128113A Year with Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations from His JournalsS10-9780060754723CDN$37.98
128117Freedom of Simplicity: Finding Harmony in a Complex WorldS10-9780060759711CDN$25.82
128119Life Goes on: A Harmony NovelS10-9780060760618CDN$27.34
128127The Dead Sea Scrolls - Revised Edition: A New TranslationS10-9780060766627CDN$60.78
128128A Little House Christmas Treasury: Festive Holiday Stories: A Christmas Holiday Book for KidsS10-9780060769185CDN$24.30