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American Examples: New Conversations about Religion, Volume Four CDN$53.12
American Examples: New Conversations about Religion, Volume One Volume 1 CDN$45.52
Between Dixie and Zion: Southern Baptists and Palestine Before Israel CDN$75.92
Bishops, Bourbons, and Big Mules: A History of the Episcopal Church in Alabama CDN$75.92
Blessed Are the Activists: Catholic Advocacy, Human Rights, and Genocide in Guatemala CDN$167.20
Blessed Are the Activists: Catholic Advocacy, Human Rights, and Genocide in Guatemala CDN$53.12
Circling Faith: Southern Women on Spirituality CDN$45.52
Decoding the Digital Church: Evangelical Storytelling and the Election of Donald J. Trump CDN$75.92
Evangelical News: Politics, Gender, and Bioethics in Conservative Christian Magazines of the 1970s and 1980s CDN$91.12
Goodbye, My Tribe: An Evangelical Exodus CDN$45.52
Pentecostalism in Urban Oaxaca: Healing Patriarchy, Marriage, and Mexico CDN$53.12
Pentecostalism in Urban Oaxaca: Healing Patriarchy, Marriage, and Mexico CDN$167.20
Pulpits of the Lost Cause: The Faith and Politics of Former Confederate Chaplains During Reconstruction CDN$83.52
Re-Enchanting the World: Maya Protestantism in the Guatemalan Highlands CDN$45.52
Revolution as Reformation: Protestant Faith in the Age of Revolutions, 1688-1832 CDN$91.12
Rewriting the Word God: In the Arc of Converging Lines Between Innovative Theory, Theology, and Poetry CDN$60.72
Richmond's Priests and Prophets: Race, Religion, and Social Change in the Civil Rights Era CDN$45.52
Southern Churches in Crisis Revisited CDN$45.52
The Archaeology of Protestant Landscapes: Revealing the Formation of Community Identity in the Us South CDN$75.92
The Glory Road: A Gospel Gypsy Life CDN$45.52
To Do Justice: The Civil Rights Ministry of Reverend Robert E. Hughes CDN$60.72
We Shall Build Anew: Stephen S. Wise, the Jewish Institute of Religion, and the Reinvention of American Liberal Judaism CDN$53.12
Writing Habits: Historicism, Philosophy, and English Benedictine Convents, 1600-1800 CDN$91.12
Ye That Are Men Now Serve Him: Radical Holiness Theology and Gender in the South CDN$45.52
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New Arrivals For March