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Beyond the Death of God: Religion in 21st Century International Politics CDN$68.32
Beyond the Death of God: Religion in 21st Century International Politics CDN$136.80
Biblical Judgments: New Legal Readings in the Hebrew Bible CDN$121.60
Biblical Judgments: New Legal Readings in the Hebrew Bible CDN$53.12
Bringing Their Mother Home: Roman Multiculturalism and the Mother of the Gods CDN$136.80
Divined Intervention: Religious Institutions and Collective Action CDN$37.92
Essays on the Modern Japanese Church: Christianity in Meiji Japan CDN$22.80
Light of the Everlasting Life: Disability and Crip Eschatology in Old English Literature CDN$174.80
Light of the Everlasting Life: Disability and Crip Eschatology in Old English Literature CDN$60.72
Living the Faith: A Life of Tom Monaghan CDN$45.52
People, Personal Expression, and Social Relations in Late Antiquity, Volume I: With Translated Texts from Gaul and Western Europe CDN$129.20
People, Personal Expression, and Social Relations in Late Antiquity, Volume II: Selected Latin Texts from Gaul and Western Europe CDN$129.20
Scriptures, Shrines, Scapegoats, and World Politics: Religious Sources of Conflict and Cooperation in the Modern Era CDN$53.12
Scriptures, Shrines, Scapegoats, and World Politics: Religious Sources of Conflict and Cooperation in the Modern Era CDN$113.92
Singing the Land: Hebrew Music and Early Zionism in America CDN$136.80
Singing the Land: Hebrew Music and Early Zionism in America CDN$45.52
The Battles of Armageddon: Megiddo and the Jezreel Valley from the Bronze Age to the Nuclear Age CDN$40.96
The Lion's Ear: Pope Leo X, the Renaissance Papacy, and Music CDN$53.12
Theodoret of Cyrrhus: The Bishop and the Holy Man CDN$129.12
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New Arrivals For March