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 Narrative Medicine in Hospice Care: Identity, Practice, and Ethics through the Lens of Paul Ricoeur

Narrative Medicine in Hospice Care: Identity, Practice, and Ethics through the Lens of Paul Ricoeur

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 Navigating Postmodern Theology: Insights from Jean-Luc Marion and Gianni Vattimo's Philosophy

Navigating Postmodern Theology: Insights from Jean-Luc Marion and Gianni Vattimo's Philosophy

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 Nazi Occultism, Jewish Mysticism, and Christian Theology in the Video Game Series Wolfenstein

Nazi Occultism, Jewish Mysticism, and Christian Theology in the Video Game Series Wolfenstein

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 New Directions in Medieval Mystical and Devotional Literature: Essays in Honor of Denise N. Baker

New Directions in Medieval Mystical and Devotional Literature: Essays in Honor of Denise N. Baker

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 Nietzsche in 90 Minutes

Nietzsche in 90 Minutes

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 Nikki Haley's Lessons from the New South

Nikki Haley's Lessons from the New South

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 No Congregation Is an Island: How Faith Communities Navigate Opportunities and Challenges Together

No Congregation Is an Island: How Faith Communities Navigate Opportunities and Challenges Together

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 No Congregation Is an Island: How Faith Communities Navigate Opportunities and Challenges Together

No Congregation Is an Island: How Faith Communities Navigate Opportunities and Challenges Together

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 On Being a Priest Today

On Being a Priest Today

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 One Electorate Under God?: A Dialogue on Religion and American Politics

One Electorate Under God?: A Dialogue on Religion and American Politics

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 Opening the Prayer Book

Opening the Prayer Book

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 Oral Law of Ancient Israel

Oral Law of Ancient Israel

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 Organic God: Lenten Meditations on the Words of Jesus

Organic God: Lenten Meditations on the Words of Jesus

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 Origen of Alexandria: Master Theologian of the Early Church

Origen of Alexandria: Master Theologian of the Early Church

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 Origen of Alexandria: Master Theologian of the Early Church

Origen of Alexandria: Master Theologian of the Early Church

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 Originalism in Theology and Law: Comparing Perspectives on the Bible and the Constitution

Originalism in Theology and Law: Comparing Perspectives on the Bible and the Constitution

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 Orthodoxy and Anarchism: Contemporary Perspectives

Orthodoxy and Anarchism: Contemporary Perspectives

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 Orthodoxy and Fundamentalism: Contemporary Perspectives

Orthodoxy and Fundamentalism: Contemporary Perspectives

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 Pastoral and Occasional Liturgies: A Ceremonial Guide

Pastoral and Occasional Liturgies: A Ceremonial Guide

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 Pastoral Care in the Anthropocene Age: Facing a Dire Future Now

Pastoral Care in the Anthropocene Age: Facing a Dire Future Now

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 Pastoral Virtues for Artificial Intelligence: Care and the Algorithms that Guide Our Lives

Pastoral Virtues for Artificial Intelligence: Care and the Algorithms that Guide Our Lives

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 Paul and Image: Reading First Corinthians in Visual Terms

Paul and Image: Reading First Corinthians in Visual Terms

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 Paul and the Image of God

Paul and the Image of God

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 Paul Ricur, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and the Question of Revelation

Paul Ricur, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and the Question of Revelation

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 Paul's New Creation: Vision for a New World and Community

Paul's New Creation: Vision for a New World and Community

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 Paul, Politics, and New Creation: Reconsidering Paul and Empire

Paul, Politics, and New Creation: Reconsidering Paul and Empire

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 Peacemaking Christians: The Future of Just Wars, Pacifism, and Nonviolent Resistance

Peacemaking Christians: The Future of Just Wars, Pacifism, and Nonviolent Resistance

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 Pentecostal and Charismatic Education: Renewalist Education Wherever It Is Found

Pentecostal and Charismatic Education: Renewalist Education Wherever It Is Found

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 Pentecostalism, Postmodernism, and Reformed Epistemology: James K. A. Smith and the Contours of a Postmodern Christian Epistemology

Pentecostalism, Postmodernism, and Reformed Epistemology: James K. A. Smith and the Contours of a Postmodern Christian Epistemology

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 Pentecostalism, Postmodernism, and Reformed Epistemology: James K. A. Smith and the Contours of a Postmodern Christian Epistemology

Pentecostalism, Postmodernism, and Reformed Epistemology: James K. A. Smith and the Contours of a Postmodern Christian Epistemology

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 People of the Covenant: An Invitation to the Old Testament

People of the Covenant: An Invitation to the Old Testament

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 Person-Centered Politics: A Personalist Approach to Political Philosophy

Person-Centered Politics: A Personalist Approach to Political Philosophy

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 Phillis Wheatley as Prophetic Poet: You Must Be Born Again

Phillis Wheatley as Prophetic Poet: You Must Be Born Again

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 Philo of Alexandria: A Sourcebook

Philo of Alexandria: A Sourcebook

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 Playful Wisdom: Reimagining the Sacred in American Literature, from Walden to Gilead

Playful Wisdom: Reimagining the Sacred in American Literature, from Walden to Gilead

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 Playing with Fire: Preaching Work as Kindling Art

Playing with Fire: Preaching Work as Kindling Art

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 Plotinus and Augustine on the Mid-Rank of Soul: Navigating Two Worlds

Plotinus and Augustine on the Mid-Rank of Soul: Navigating Two Worlds

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 Political Theology Based in Community: Dorothy Day, the Catholic Worker Movement, and Overcoming Otherness

Political Theology Based in Community: Dorothy Day, the Catholic Worker Movement, and Overcoming Otherness

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 Political Volatility in the United States: How Racial and Religious Groups Win and Lose

Political Volatility in the United States: How Racial and Religious Groups Win and Lose

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 Political Volatility in the United States: How Racial and Religious Groups Win and Lose

Political Volatility in the United States: How Racial and Religious Groups Win and Lose

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 Politics of Masculinities: Men in Movements

Politics of Masculinities: Men in Movements

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 Polyamory and Reading the Book of Ruth

Polyamory and Reading the Book of Ruth

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 Polygamy in the Law of Moses

Polygamy in the Law of Moses

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 Portraits of Jesus: A Reading Guide

Portraits of Jesus: A Reading Guide

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 Portraits of Jesus: A Reading Guide

Portraits of Jesus: A Reading Guide

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 Postcolonial Preaching: Creating a Ripple Effect

Postcolonial Preaching: Creating a Ripple Effect

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 Practice What You Preach: Virtues, Ethics, and Power in the Lives of Pastoral Ministers and Their Congregations

Practice What You Preach: Virtues, Ethics, and Power in the Lives of Pastoral Ministers and Their Congregations

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 Practicing Presence: The Spirituality of Caring in Everyday Life

Practicing Presence: The Spirituality of Caring in Everyday Life

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 Pragmatic Philosophy of Religion: Melioristic Case Studies

Pragmatic Philosophy of Religion: Melioristic Case Studies

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 Praying with Visionary Women

Praying with Visionary Women

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 Preaching Jesus: Postcolonial Approaches

Preaching Jesus: Postcolonial Approaches

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 Preaching to Nazi Germany: The Pulpit and the Confessing Church

Preaching to Nazi Germany: The Pulpit and the Confessing Church

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 Process Thought and Roman Catholicism: Challenges and Promises

Process Thought and Roman Catholicism: Challenges and Promises

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 QAnon and Other Replacement Realities: How Religious Emotion Threatens Free Society but Can Also Contribute to a Progressive Future

QAnon and Other Replacement Realities: How Religious Emotion Threatens Free Society but Can Also Contribute to a Progressive Future

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 Rape Culture and Religious Studies: Critical and Pedagogical Engagements

Rape Culture and Religious Studies: Critical and Pedagogical Engagements

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 Rational Belief in God and the Soul: Evidence from Natural and Revealed Religion

Rational Belief in God and the Soul: Evidence from Natural and Revealed Religion

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 Re-embodying Pastoral Theology: Ritual Care for Moral Injury in Veterans

Re-embodying Pastoral Theology: Ritual Care for Moral Injury in Veterans

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 Re-membering the Reign of God: The Decolonial Witness of El Salvador's Church of the Poor

Re-membering the Reign of God: The Decolonial Witness of El Salvador's Church of the Poor

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 Re-membering the Reign of God: The Decolonial Witness of El Salvador's Church of the Poor

Re-membering the Reign of God: The Decolonial Witness of El Salvador's Church of the Poor

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 Reach without Grasping: Anne Carson's Classical Desires

Reach without Grasping: Anne Carson's Classical Desires

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 Reach without Grasping: Anne Carson's Classical Desires

Reach without Grasping: Anne Carson's Classical Desires

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 Reading John through Johannine Lenses

Reading John through Johannine Lenses

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 Reading Romans with Roman Eyes: Studies on the Social Perspective of Paul

Reading Romans with Roman Eyes: Studies on the Social Perspective of Paul

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 Reading the Bible amid the Environmental Crisis: Interdisciplinary Insights to Ecological Hermeneutics

Reading the Bible amid the Environmental Crisis: Interdisciplinary Insights to Ecological Hermeneutics

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 Reading the Dream: A Post-Secular History of Enmindment

Reading the Dream: A Post-Secular History of Enmindment

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 Reading the Dream: A Post-Secular History of Enmindment

Reading the Dream: A Post-Secular History of Enmindment

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 Reality and Waves: A Quantum Physics Cosmology, Philosophy of Religion, and Ethic

Reality and Waves: A Quantum Physics Cosmology, Philosophy of Religion, and Ethic

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 Reason's Inquisition: On Doubtful Ground

Reason's Inquisition: On Doubtful Ground

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 Receiving Back One's Deeds: A Protestant Reading of Justification and Final Judgment According to Works in 2 Corinthians

Receiving Back One's Deeds: A Protestant Reading of Justification and Final Judgment According to Works in 2 Corinthians

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 Reciprocal Causality in an Event-Filled World

Reciprocal Causality in an Event-Filled World

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 Reconciling Opposites: Religious Freedom and Contractual Ethics in a Democratic Society

Reconciling Opposites: Religious Freedom and Contractual Ethics in a Democratic Society

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 Recovering the African Feminine Divine in Literature, the Arts, and Practice: Yemonja Awakening

Recovering the African Feminine Divine in Literature, the Arts, and Practice: Yemonja Awakening

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 Reenvisioning Israel through Political Cartoons: Visual Discourses During the 2018-2021 Electoral Crisis

Reenvisioning Israel through Political Cartoons: Visual Discourses During the 2018-2021 Electoral Crisis

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 Reference and Identity in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Scriptures: The Same God?

Reference and Identity in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Scriptures: The Same God?

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 Reflections of God

Reflections of God

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 Reformed Theology from A to Z

Reformed Theology from A to Z

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 Reformed Theology from A to Z

Reformed Theology from A to Z

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 Religion and Culture in Native America

Religion and Culture in Native America

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 Religion and Culture in Native America

Religion and Culture in Native America

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 Religion and Disability: Essays in Scripture, Theology and Ethics

Religion and Disability: Essays in Scripture, Theology and Ethics

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 Religion and Global Politics: Soft Power in Nigeria and Beyond

Religion and Global Politics: Soft Power in Nigeria and Beyond

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 Religion and Radical Pluralism: Engaging Rawls and Gandhi

Religion and Radical Pluralism: Engaging Rawls and Gandhi

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 Religion, Race, and the American Presidency

Religion, Race, and the American Presidency

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 Religion, State, and Political Culture in Japan: Implications for the Post-Secular World

Religion, State, and Political Culture in Japan: Implications for the Post-Secular World

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 Religion, Women of Color, and the Suffrage Movement: The Journey to Holistic Freedom

Religion, Women of Color, and the Suffrage Movement: The Journey to Holistic Freedom

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 Religion, Women of Color, and the Suffrage Movement: The Journey to Holistic Freedom

Religion, Women of Color, and the Suffrage Movement: The Journey to Holistic Freedom

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 Religious and Cultural Implications of Technology-Mediated Relationships in a Post-Pandemic World

Religious and Cultural Implications of Technology-Mediated Relationships in a Post-Pandemic World

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 Religious Experience and Religious Lives: An Epistemology

Religious Experience and Religious Lives: An Epistemology

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 Religious Leaders and the Regime in the Second Republic of Zimbabwe

Religious Leaders and the Regime in the Second Republic of Zimbabwe

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 Religious Pluralism: Toward a Comparative Metaphysics of Religion

Religious Pluralism: Toward a Comparative Metaphysics of Religion

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 Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics

Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics

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 Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics

Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics

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 Religious Trauma: Queer Stories in Estrangement and Return

Religious Trauma: Queer Stories in Estrangement and Return

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 Religious Trauma: Queer Stories in Estrangement and Return

Religious Trauma: Queer Stories in Estrangement and Return

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 Reparations and the Theological Disciplines: Prophetic Voices for Remembrance, Reckoning, and Repair

Reparations and the Theological Disciplines: Prophetic Voices for Remembrance, Reckoning, and Repair

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 Reproductive Justice and the Catholic Church: Advancing Pragmatic Solidarity with Pregnant Women

Reproductive Justice and the Catholic Church: Advancing Pragmatic Solidarity with Pregnant Women

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 Resisting Occupation: A Global Struggle for Liberation

Resisting Occupation: A Global Struggle for Liberation

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 Resisting Occupation: A Global Struggle for Liberation

Resisting Occupation: A Global Struggle for Liberation

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 Resurrection, Time, and Justification: Referencing Karl Barth, Wolfhart Pannenberg, and Robert Jenson

Resurrection, Time, and Justification: Referencing Karl Barth, Wolfhart Pannenberg, and Robert Jenson

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 Revelation and the Marble Economy of Roman Ephesus: A People's History Approach

Revelation and the Marble Economy of Roman Ephesus: A People's History Approach

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 Rhetoric and the Synoptic Problem

Rhetoric and the Synoptic Problem

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 Rhetoric, History, and Theology: Interpreting the New Testament

Rhetoric, History, and Theology: Interpreting the New Testament

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 Ridiculous Packaging: Or, my long strange journey from atheist to Episcopalian in two acts

Ridiculous Packaging: Or, my long strange journey from atheist to Episcopalian in two acts

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 Rising Light: The Promise of Resurrection of the Body

Rising Light: The Promise of Resurrection of the Body

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 Robert College of Constantinople: Crossroads of Faiths, Cultures, and Empires 1863-1913

Robert College of Constantinople: Crossroads of Faiths, Cultures, and Empires 1863-1913

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 Rule of the SSJE

Rule of the SSJE

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 Running Through the Thistles: Terminating a Ministerial Relationship with a Parish

Running Through the Thistles: Terminating a Ministerial Relationship with a Parish

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 Sacramental Poetics in Richard Hooker and George Herbert: Exploring the Abundance of God

Sacramental Poetics in Richard Hooker and George Herbert: Exploring the Abundance of God

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 Sacramental Presence: An Embodied Theology of Preaching

Sacramental Presence: An Embodied Theology of Preaching

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 Sacred and Secular Intersections in Music of the Long Nineteenth Century: Church, Stage, and Concert Hall

Sacred and Secular Intersections in Music of the Long Nineteenth Century: Church, Stage, and Concert Hall

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 Sacred and Secular Intersections in Music of the Long Nineteenth Century: Church, Stage, and Concert Hall

Sacred and Secular Intersections in Music of the Long Nineteenth Century: Church, Stage, and Concert Hall

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 Sacred Consumption: The Religions of Christianity and Consumerism in America

Sacred Consumption: The Religions of Christianity and Consumerism in America

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 Sacred Disobedience: A Jungian Analysis of the Saga of Pan and the Devil

Sacred Disobedience: A Jungian Analysis of the Saga of Pan and the Devil

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 Sacred Disobedience: A Jungian Analysis of the Saga of Pan and the Devil

Sacred Disobedience: A Jungian Analysis of the Saga of Pan and the Devil

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 Sacred Rhetoric: Discourses in Identity and Meaning

Sacred Rhetoric: Discourses in Identity and Meaning

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