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 Word is Very Near You

Word is Very Near You

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 Word, Silence, and the Climate Emergency: God, Ekklesia, and Christian Doctrine

Word, Silence, and the Climate Emergency: God, Ekklesia, and Christian Doctrine

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 Worldview Theory, Whiteness, and the Future of Evangelical Faith

Worldview Theory, Whiteness, and the Future of Evangelical Faith

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 Worshiping in Season: Ecology and Christ through the Liturgical Year

Worshiping in Season: Ecology and Christ through the Liturgical Year

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 Worshiping in Season: Ecology and Christ through the Liturgical Year

Worshiping in Season: Ecology and Christ through the Liturgical Year

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 Wound of Knowledge: Christian Spirituality from the New Testament to St. John of the Cross

Wound of Knowledge: Christian Spirituality from the New Testament to St. John of the Cross

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 Young Adult Literature and Spirituality: How to Unlock Deeper Understanding with Class Discussion

Young Adult Literature and Spirituality: How to Unlock Deeper Understanding with Class Discussion

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 Young Adult Literature and Spirituality: How to Unlock Deeper Understanding with Class Discussion

Young Adult Literature and Spirituality: How to Unlock Deeper Understanding with Class Discussion

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 Your Way with God's Word

Your Way with God's Word

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 Zygmunt Bauman and Pope Francis in Dialogue: The Labyrinth of Liquid Modernity

Zygmunt Bauman and Pope Francis in Dialogue: The Labyrinth of Liquid Modernity

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