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Price: CDN$21.26
Product ID: 174696

Hermeneutics has been defined as the science of interpretation. The basic and primary purpose of hermenutics is to discover and explain, as much as possible, the original meaning of the text. The biblical text is very rich in content and gives us, in addition to historical context and literal meaning, other messages of a theological, moral, and social character that are applicable not only to the original situation for which the narrative was written, but also for every age and time. In fact, it is the reality of the richness and multiplicity of meanings and messages contained in the biblical text that compels us to discover, as a part of the biblical hermeneutic, 'the different meanings of the Scriptures, ' which essentially constitutes the theme of this book. In addition to the various meaings that are found in the Scriptures, hermeneutics also includes the study of the various literary genres that are employed in the Scritpures and various methods used to interpret the sacred text. 'God wants His revelation to be known, understood, accepted, and experienced by everyone.' We hope that the pages of this book will disclose a more clear and expedited path to discovering God's Word, which never grows old and in every age conveys a fresh and clear message that gives meaning and direction to our lives, illuminating the words of the Psalmist: 'Your words is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.' --- Psalm 119:105

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
Product Weight: 0.52 lbs
Author: Jaramillo C
Publication Date: 2012-08-11
Language: Spanish
Publisher: ZONDERVAN
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9780829763263

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