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Christian Insight Meditation: Following in the Footsteps of John of the Cross

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 Christian Insight Meditation: Following in the Footsteps of John of the Cross
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Price: CDN$25.43
Product ID: 182135

The practice of Christian insight meditation can enliven one's entire prayer life. It can prepare our hearts to hear God's word in new ways, set the stage for new insight into the deeper meaning of the words and symbols we celebrate in Christian worship and practice, and help us to grow in the purity of heart, poverty of spirit, and emptiness of self that dispose us for God's work in our lives. The practice is particularly valuable for taking prayer beyond discursiveness, petition, and thinking. Christian insight meditation is nothing short of a powerful way to ""pray always"" and practice loving presence to God.
Drawing heavily on the teachings of St. John of the Cross, and also drawing from the illuminating writings of Teresa of Avila, the authors here offer a masterful explication of a practice and path firmly grounded in the meditative technology of Eastern wisdom, yet wholly and vividly Christian in spirit.

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
Product Weight: 0.85 lbs
Author: Meadow, Mary Jo
Contribution by: Culligan, Kevin
Contribution by: Chowning, Daniel
Publication Date: 2007-08-28
Language: English
Publisher: WISDOM PUBN
Dewey Decimal Classification: 248.34
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9780861715268