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"Samuel, Samuel"

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 \"Samuel, Samuel\"
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Price: CDN$22.77
Product ID: 831008

HAS GOD EVER CALLED YOUR NAME? Is God calling your name now? Do you feel the "Greater" whispering to you in the darkness of life? How are you going to respond? These questions and answers are interwoven within the pages of this book that will call, pull, and push you into your destiny. This book is for the Samuel Generation that has been born for such a time as this to be the difference that the church and the world need them to be. The Samuels are coming. They will come from families, churches, communi-ties, and obscure places that no one ever expected. They have the genetics of desperation, revelation, and impar-tation that make them different from the generations that have come before them. They are the new wine skins that Jesus spoke of in the gospel of Mark chapter 2 that will hold the new wine of the Spirit of God. As God spoke and called to the prophet Samuel during a time of confusion, compromise, and complacency, so God is calling a new generation of Samuels during this same kind of chaos that is taking place in our modern-day society. Are you a part of this generation of Samuels? If the answer is yes, then grab this book, open up your heart, eyes, and ears, and be ready to be catapulted into the future of your pro-phetic destiny that will change your life forever.

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
Product Weight: 0.28 lbs
Author: Ward, Wesley J.
Editor: Williams, Nancy E.
Publication Date: 2020-01-29
Language: English
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9781943523771