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Price: CDN$22.72
Product ID: 848048

Conoces la historia b blica del fortach n? Y la del gigante? La de la ballena? Y la de la fosa de los leones?

Victoria Tebbs ha reescrito diez de las historias m s populares de la Biblia, en un lenguaje muy comprensible y con toques de humor para hacer re r a los ni os de 3 a 6 a os, manteni ndose fiel a las narraciones b blicas originales.

Las ilustraciones fabulosamente expresivas y divertidas de Lee Cosgrove est n llenas de car cter. A los ni os les encantar mirar estas escenas cl sicas con modernas versiones de dibujos animados e im genes con palabras claves y di logos amenos que ayudan a que las escenas realmente cobren vida.

Esta es la Biblia para ni os en espa ol m s divertida que existe.


This Bible story collection will be the best EVER collection on your shelf

Victoria Tebbs has rewritten ten popular tales in a flowing, easy tone with dashes of humour to make children giggle, while staying true to the original stories. The fabulously expressive and comical art style is full of character with larger-than-life illustrations; kids will love looking at these modern, cartoon versions of classic scenes. Key words and dialogue are pulled out from the main text and into the picture to help the scenes really come alive. Stories included: Noah's Ark, Samson, the Strongest Man in the World, David and Goliath, Daniel and the Lions, Jonah and the Whale, The Baby Jesus, Jesus and the Tax Collector, The Good Samaritan, The Prodigal Son, The Easter Story.

Contents Noah's Ark Samson, the Strongest Man in the World David and Goliath Daniel and the Lions Jonah and the Whale The Baby Jesus Jesus and the Tax Collector The Good Samaritan The Prodigal Son The Easter Story

Product Details


Format: Hardcover
Pages: 160
Product Weight: 1.23 lbs
Author: Tebbs, Victoria
Publication Date: 2018-06-26
Language: Spanish
Publisher: ORIGEN KIDS
Dewey Decimal Classification: 220.950
Audience Age Group: 03 to 06
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9781945540523