Sparkle: Your Seven-Step Guide to a Joy-Infused Life, Pamela George reveals a roadmap based on neuroscience, biblical insights, and trauma-informed practices to help you find joy amidst chaos. First, she will help you discover why and how joy leaks from your life. Then, she will walk you through the SPARKLE steps you need to take:
Secure Love: Anchor yourself in unwavering love.
Perseverance Power: Let perseverance flow naturally.
Appreciation: Draw strength from treasured moments.
Rebuild Trust: Navigate life with confidence.
Kindsight: Reflect wisely and compassionately on the past.
Leverage Listening: Discover the secret of a joy-filled connection.
Embrace growth: Bridge Maturity Gaps and Let Your
Sparkle Shine Forth!
Pam becomes your personal coach and spiritual guide in
Sparkle, helping you take the necessary steps to achieve a life full of joy and resilience. Ready to sparkle? Open this book and let's begin your journey.