Looking to simplify personal development?
Take a short trip down your individual path of evolution.
Heather M. Burt combines her experience as a perpetual seeker with her background in military service to bring a unique perspective on navigating life.
Personal Evolution provides the four essential elements of Awareness, Forgiveness, Vision, and Surrender-- not as another tool to be added to your toolbox (and maybe put on the shelf), rather as a different approach to life. The more you practice using these foundational guideposts, the better equipped you will be to shed light on your blind spots.
When you adopt an evolutionary mindset, the way you relate to life changes. It's no longer about getting it " right." Instead, life becomes a continual opportunity for growth, creating space to experience the greatest version of yourself.
Heather M. Burt spent her adult years trying to figure out how to " help" humanity, thinking that she had missed her opportunity. Serving in three different branches of the military, living in nearly every quadrant of America, working in a variety of industries from manufacturing to ballroom dance, her unintentional journey laid the groundwork for her work as an "Evolutionary" Life Coach and energy practitioner supporting people along their own journeys.