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Rosary Black with Holy Water from Lourdes

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 Rosary Black with Holy Water from Lourdes
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Price: CDN$22.00
Product ID: 879283

This special rosary has round black beads with a centre medal featuring an image of Our Lady of Lourdes and contains water from Lourdes at the back of the centrepiece. Imported from Italy.

The Lourdes spring was discovered by St. Bernadette Soubirous during one of her apparitions, on February 25, 1858. Bernadette was told by Our Lady, “drink at the spring and wash yourself there". Shortly thereafter, the first pilgrimages began, and miracles recorded.

On April 24, 1858 work was carried out to build a pool to capture the miraculous water. A 450,000 liter reservoir was built below the basilicas, which now feeds many small fountains. The baths at Lourdes were built in 1955 and today hundreds of people immerse themselves each day in the Lourdes Water, including both the sick and healthy, who follow the instruction of Our Lady of Lourdes to "drink the spring water and wash there".

The first healing, was that of Catherine Latapie on March 1, 1858 whereby paralysis in her hand was healed. Also healed was Louis Bouriette, who had previously lost his vision. He washed in the miraculous water and instantly regained his sight.

As many as 2,500 healings have been recorded however many more remain unrecorded. The medical bureau in Lourdes is a body that looks into claims of miraculous cures. The bureau collaborates with doctors and medical scientists, from around the world. This group of professionals is made up of believers and non-believers. The bureau likes to be satisfied beyond doubt, that there is no medical explanation to be found.

It therefore takes 7 years or more to investigate a single case. Once the bureau is confident with their research, the case is passed on to the international medical committee of Lourdes. This special committee is made up of some of the highest medical and scientific experts from universities around the world.

After all the investigation has taken place, the dossier is sent to the bishop of the diocese from where the patient came. The bishop then looks at the claim and finally declares the cure to be miraculous or not. There have been thousands of cures but only 70 have gone through this painstaking process and declared “Miraculous”.


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