What could be more fun than getting together with a bunch of guys? How about going home afterwards and having your wife be thrilled with you? No, really?it could happen That's what this discussion guide is all about. When you learn to love your wife as Christ loved the church, honoring and cherishing her as your most valued friend, she will be happy to let you spend an evening with the guys. Especially if you?re discussing ways to love her better. The Oops I Forgot My Wife Discussion Guide combines helpful and humorous insights from the book, along with practical questions to fuel hearty discussion. Some of the questions will prompt you to assess how things stand in your marriage, while others will inspire you to invest creatively in your best friendship. Think of it A bunch of guys having fun discussing how to love their wives better. Who wouldn?t pay hundreds of dollars for that? Probably you, for one. But don?t worry, this booklet costs less than a fast-food meal. So grab a copy, call your friends, and give your wife every reason to feel thankful and delighted that she married you.
Product Details
Format: Paperback
Pages: 48
Product Weight: 0.15 lbs
Joint Author: Roth, Doyle
Joint Author: Santhouse, Paul
Publication Date: 2005-05-01
Language: English
Publisher: LEWIS & ROTH PUBL
Dewey Decimal Classification: 646.78
Number of Units in Package: 1
ISBN: 9780936083193