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To Believe in Jesus

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 To Believe in Jesus
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Price: CDN$24.32
Product ID: 215487

This best selling author writes particularly for lay people about contemplation and the life of prayer. The message of To Believe in Jesus is heartening, if disconcerting, for it stands a common assumption on its head. The way to holiness is not through dramatic renunciation, and holiness itself is not just for the "specialists," clergy, and religious. Holiness cannot be struggled for and won - it can only be given, and all that is necessary is that we should ask. As soon as we cease to strive for virtue, concentrating attention uselessly on ourselves, and instead recognize our weakness, our need, the way is open to encounter God and the holiness of Jesus which is His gift.

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
Product Weight: 0.30 lbs
Author: Burrows, Ruth
Publication Date: 2014-07-21
Language: English
Publisher: PAULIST PR
Dewey Decimal Classification: 248.482
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9781587680656