Every day we are faced with decisions in our personal lives, workplaces, and volunteer activities. A clear and thorough process for decision-making is important for individuals and for organizations of all kinds, from families to unions, from NGOs to multinational corporations. Wise decision-making requires two key dimensions: a process or procedure that ensures depth and breadth in considerations and criteria upon which to base judgments.
In Choose Wisely Gary J. Boelhower proposes a process and a set of criteria based on core themes found across the Jewish wisdom tradition, the Christian Scriptures, and the rules of Saint Benedict and Saint Francis, and informed by the reflection and formation processes developed by Parker J. Palmer. All individuals and leaders of organizations alike who strive to reach wise, compassionate decisions in individual and communal contexts and to put into action the foundational principles of servant leadership will benefit from Choose Wisely.
Boelhower, Gary J.