In the Christian tradition, believers are called to
do more than sit around and pray. Throughout the
Gospel and throughout history people of faith
have been quite literally booted out into the world
to bring God's love to everybody, not just a selected
few. That's the meaning of mission from the Latin
missio, it means simply to send out. Understood in
this sense, mission is at the heart of a faithful life.
Katharine Jefferts Schori's new book explores
the meaning of mission in the context of contemporary
life. It is organized around the Anglican
Communion's Five Marks of Mission: proclaim the
good news of the kingdom of God; teach, baptize,
and nurture new believers; respond to human need
with loving service; transform unjust structures of
society; and care for the earth.
Jefferts Schori emphasizes the ecumenical
networks that work to send God's love out into
the world. As she insists, mission is not inwardly
focused, but reaches out to the whole of creation.