In the west the cowboy way is a code of living. It is a mode of determination and perseverance that won't quit until the job is done. It is also a lighthearted way of having fun even through life's ups and downs.
The Catholic Cowboy Way takes these same virtues and incorporates them into our walk with Christ. Following Jesus takes grit. By going all in with Him, Jesus teaches us how to fulfill the Father's will with passion and zeal. By learning from our Lord, we can also develop a childlike heart that can find peace and joy in the midst of the craziness of life in the twenty-first century.
Incorporating two thousand years of Christian Tradition,
The Catholic Cowboy Way seeks to help cowboys practice the Catholic Faith and Catholics discover their inner cowboy. Catholicism is about being fully human. The rawness and realness of the cowboy way can help Catholics discover God in depths never imaginable. The Catholic Faith can help cowboys complete the