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Upside-Down Prayers for Parents: Thirty-One Daring Devotions for Entrusting Your Child--and Yourself--to God

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 Upside-Down Prayers for Parents: Thirty-One Daring Devotions for Entrusting Your Child--and Yourself--to God
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Price: CDN$16.50
Product ID: 131525

Because God Loves Them Even More Than You Do
What if we didn't just pray for God to protect our child? What if we prayed, "Lord, mold this child into the person you designed him to be. Whatever it takes. I trust you with his present and his future through even the hardest circumstances."
It's our instinct as parents to shield our children from harm. But our true responsibility is to raise children equipped to live well for God even in the midst of struggle. "Upside-Down Prayers for Parents "encourages us to pray for our children in ways we may never have before:
- I pray you'll get caught doing things wrong--and experience the power of confession.
- I pray your prayers will go unanswered--and you'll find a deeper trust in Him.
- I pray you'll be disappointed in people--and realize that we're all redeemable.
- I pray you'll have to wait--and learn the value of patience.
- I pray you'll fail in things that don't matter--and learn what matters to God.
- I pray you'll encounter battles--and discover that God is your greatest ally.
By turning our prayers "upside down," we not only learn to release our children to the care of God alone, we also uncover how our "own "desires need to be submitted to God's will.
Each entry in this thirty-one-day devotional includes a short reflection, a Scripture verse, and ideas to jump-start conversations between you and your child or teenager. Together you'll discover a deeper trust in God that will help you make it through the upside-down times with a right-side-up perspective.

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
Product Weight: 0.35 lbs
Author: Bergren, Lisa Tawn
Publication Date: 2013-02-19
Language: English
Dewey Decimal Classification: 242.645
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9780307955838