Written in the style of Bear's book True Grit, this debut piece of fiction writing is gripping and visceral, immersing the reader in the sights, sounds and smells of first-century Roman-occupied Palestine.
'Prophets, middle-eastern and far-eastern astrologers had foretold this man's life for many hundreds of years. A coming king who would hold the very keys to the kingdom of heaven itself. Yet into first-century Judea - a province of the Roman Empire - came an impoverished refugee, born into a time of turmoil and into a people living under the fear and oppression of one of the most brutal and expansive empires ever to have existed. He eventually became a renegade. To others a redeemer.
How he lived - his words, his actions - arguably altered the world for ever. Those who were threatened by him were convinced he was the devil himself. Yet those who spent the most time with him, often the outcasts and forgotten, called him the Lamb of God.
But his local name was Yeshua.