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Fit and Flourish: Discover How God Created You to Make a Difference

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 Fit and Flourish: Discover How God Created You to Make a Difference
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Price: CDN$18.22
Product ID: 585934

You were made to fit and flourish Fit--This is where I belong. Flourish--this is what I'm made for Let's discover where you best fit and flourish...and make the biggest difference in the lives of others for God's glory. We'll blend seven ways to look at your life so you can have the "aha" moments of clarity when God speaks destiny into your life. Look Up...Say Yes to God's Invitations Look Back...Remember Where You've Come From Look In...Know Yourself from the Inside Out Look At...Clarify Your Why, How, Who Look For...Identify Promises, Fruit, Doors Look Around...Get God's Heart for the World Look Ahead...Prepare to Finish Well Scriptural principles, real-life examples, reflective writings and coaching questions will all help you go on a journey of discovery and clarity. Do it with others...but especially walk with the Holy Spirit as He leads you

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 198
Product Weight: 0.52 lbs
Author: Roehl, Tim
Publication Date: 2016-11-28
Language: English
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9781880338551