La reformalitargica del Concilio Vaticano II esta en riesgo de ya no ser comprendida. Son varias las seanales que hacen surgir dudas y confusiones dentro de la Iglesia. La tarea que plantea este ensayo es redescubrir las razones profundas que nos permitan leer la Reformalitargica Como presagio necesario de conciencia eclesiastica contemporanea, ni contra ni si Pa-o V, pero si mas ala de Pa-o V.
Este ta-tulo disponible solamente en Espanol./This book is written in Spanish only.
Beyond Pius V The liturgical reform of Vatican II is at risk of no longer being understood. There are several signs that raise doubt and confusion within the Church. The task posed by this essay is to rediscover the profound reasons that alow us to read the liturgical reform as a necessary sign of contemporary church consciousness, not against, or of Pius V, but beyond Pius V."