Audiencias palicas del Papa Benedicto XVI sobre los Padres de la Iglesia, de san Clemente Romano a san Maximo el Confesor. Su santidad describe en forma sencilla, lavida y la contribucian que estos padres de los primeros siglos dieron ala Iglesia. Los temas tratados por ellos son instrumento de la vida y de la fe cristiana de la nueva generacian.
Este ta-tulo disponible solamente en Espanol./This book is written in Spanish only.
This book consists of public hearings of Pope Benedict XVI about the Fathers of the Church, from Saint Clement of Rome to Saint Maximus the Confessor. His holiness describes in a simple way, the life and the contribution that these first century fathers gave to the Church. The topics covered by them are an instrument of life and of the Christian faith of a new generation.