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Children of Fatima Windeatt Workbook

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 Children of Fatima Windeatt Workbook
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Price: CDN$19.68
Product ID: 575952

Mary Fabyan Windeatt was known as the storyteller of the saints. In the 1950 s and 60 s she wrote over twenty historical fiction novels on the saints, bringing to life these holy men and women for young readers across the world.
TAN Books now offers these companion workbooks to her beloved novels. Each workbook is meant to test your student s reading comprehension, instruct them on matters of the Catholic faith, and bring them closer to each of these great saints. Through engaging and fun activities like crossword puzzles and word searches, as well as through essays and challenging multiple choice questions, they will come to better know the content and sanctity found in each story.
This workbook accompanies The Children of Fatima and Our Lady s Message to the World. The events at Fatima have been called the most miraculous occurrences since Biblical times, with repercussions that spread across the entire globe. It is a story that every young person should come to know, both to understand the message Our Lady gave us, but also to learn the virtues of the three young shepherd children Our Lady visited."

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 72
Product Weight: 0.40 lbs
Author: Windeatt
Publication Date: 2016-10-10
Language: English
Publisher: TAN BOOKS & PUBL
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9781505107111

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