Motherhood is full of uncertainty. But the best mothers have passion--the passion to teach, protect, study, and prepare her children for the future. Great, but how? Merrill, the mother of five children, has asked that question countless times and creates a plan.
It is a different world and we need a different kind of mom that is ready to take on that world.
What exactly is the job description of a mom? How can the job be accomplished in a culture of entitled privilege and uncensored technology? Who is doing it "right"? Every mother desires to do her job well. But how?
"Passion." The plan begins with the one thing every mother possesses-"passion." In the heart of every mother is the passionate desire to protect and provide her child with a promising future. We must capture that passion and build on it. To do so she must perceptively study our children, ponder what we perceive, pray believing there is hope, prepare for opportunities, plan patiently, overcome persecution, and persevere at all times. These are the building bricks for parenting with passion.
"Dare. "There was someone who so passionately loved his people that he boldly dared to build a wall to protect them and to provide a future for them. The prophet Nehemiah saved their lives, and his story has purpose for our lives. Moms must dare to do the same for their children. Save their lives by following his lead and his passionate plan.
It is pertinent to build a plan that will save this generation of children. To do so, that requires deep prayer, discipline to prepare, great patience and perseverance for a lifetime.