NATHANIEL, an 18-year-old Filipino man is homeless in the city of Sydney, Australia. He walks around the streets at night, looking in bins for food, and trying to fall asleep in different areas. He appears incredibly distressed and scared, roaming around the night city. Early morning the next day, he walks into the suburbs area arriving at his mother's house. He knocks on the back door and his mum answers. Nathaniel asks his mum if he can stay there but his mum says it's not safe and shuts the door. Distressed, Nathaniel goes to a soup kitchen to get some free food. While collecting his food he sees a man, MARK, helping to chop up food in the kitchen. Nathaniel sits to eat and sees a homeless women, MARIA, who is also eating there.
Dove Approved for All Ages
Runtime: 86 minutes
Genre: Drama