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Zizek Reader

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 Zizek Reader
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Price: CDN$215.76
Product ID: 141181

"The Zizek Reader" - which includes a Foreword by Zizek and a new, previously unpublished essay on cyberspace - provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the flamboyant work of a figure who has been variously described as 'one of the most arresting, insightful and scandalous thinkers in recent memory' and 'the Giant of Ljubljana'.
Collects work by one of the most arresting and scandalous thinkers of our time.
Aids the reader to understand the often complex thinking of both Lacan and Zizek


Product Details


Format: Hardcover
Pages: 346
Product Weight: 1.50 lbs
Editor: Wright, Elizabeth
Editor: Wright, Edmond
Publication Date: 1999-03-22
Language: English
Series: Wiley Blackwell Readers
Publisher: WILEY
Dewey Decimal Classification: 150.195
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9780631212003