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Act of God/Active God: Recovering from Natural Disasters

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 Act of God/Active God: Recovering from Natural Disasters
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Price: CDN$15.20
Product ID: 157320

This book raises in a straightforward fashion the faith-related questions that the victims/survivors of natural disasters have as a result of this experience. Is the disaster an "act of God?" Did God cause the disaster? If God is all powerful, why did God allow it to happen? The author then goes on to argue that God is active in our questions, confusions, and doubts, as well as in those who help - either individually or as communities of faith. He discusses the dynamics of the caregiver/care receiver relationship from the perspective of the care receiver to provide insights into how natural disaster victims can face an uncertain future with hope and faith. A final chapter for caregivers provides help for the emotional and spiritual health of those who assist others in times of disaster. Appendices provide practical, close-to-the-ground tools.

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
Product Weight: 0.25 lbs
Author: Harbaugh, Gary L.
Publication Date: 2001-02-22
Language: English
Publisher: 1517 MEDIA
Dewey Decimal Classification: 248.86
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9780800632151