In this third book in the best-selling Reclaiming series, Kelly A. Fryer asks and answers such important questions as: What does the word ''evangelical'' actually mean? Why do so many Christians, including those who appeared to have been left behind by theologically conservative and fundamentalist Christian churches over the past two decades, think this word is so important that they are stubbornly attempting to reclaim it for themselves? What is the biblical message that these ''new'' evangelicals have to share? What does a truly evangelical life and evangelical congregation look like? What would happen if we who believe that the Christian message really and truly is good news for the whole world - without exception - woke up to our evangelical identity? Includes questions for discussion and additional resources.
Product Details
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
Product Weight: 0.28 lbs
Author: Fryer, Kelly A.
Publication Date: 2008-02-15
Language: English
Series: Lutheran Voices
Publisher: 1517 MEDIA
Dewey Decimal Classification: 270.83
Number of Units in Package: 1
ISBN: 9780806680064