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A Field Guide for the Missional Congregation: Embarking on a Journey of Transformation

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 A Field Guide for the Missional Congregation: Embarking on a Journey of Transformation
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Price: CDN$28.50
Product ID: 164616

The roster of books on leadership is full of high theoryand grand expositions of biblical principles. But there isprecious little practical advice for regular peoplecommitted to releasing positive change within their localchurches. Here one of the church's foremosttheoreticians and one of its most accomplishedtransformational leaders combine strengths to clarifyboth how sound congregational transformation can beaccomplished by regular folks and the very Christcenteredfoundations upon which transformation mustrest. With unflinching honesty and a deep, knowingsense for the joy that comes from Spirit-led change, theauthors guide the reader on a quest for a future churchalive with the abundant life God intended.

A Field Guide to the Missional Congregation revealsseven transformational keys, using real-life casestudies to illustrate each key. A reflective milestoneframework, including discovery questions for eachchapter, ground the book in a practical process.

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 152
Product Weight: 0.49 lbs
Author: Rouse, Rick
Author: Van Gelder, Craig
Foreword by: Marty, Martin E.
Publication Date: 2008-07-01
Language: English
Publisher: 1517 MEDIA
Dewey Decimal Classification: 253.088
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9780806680446