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Looking Back to Move Forward: Embracing Setbacks for Greater Fruitfulness

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 Looking Back to Move Forward: Embracing Setbacks for Greater Fruitfulness
Price: CDN$25.49
Product ID: 873627

Everyone has setbacks.

Most of us know what disappointment feels like. Some of us know the bitter taste of failure. There are times when life has not gone the way we hoped it would. We may feel responsible or we may feel we are the victim, but, either way, how can we find closure and move on? This book suggests that intentional reflection on past experiences in the presence of God may be the key that is needed for future fruitfulness. In other words, to effectively move forward in the purposes of God, we may first need to look back.


While facing our past is sometimes daunting, Terry Nightingale builds a convincing case of why it is valuable, even transforming, especially when done in the conscious presence of God. This is a book filled with hope, encouragement and biblical insight. I take great pleasure in commending it to you.

-Dr Brian Harris, Principal, Vose Seminary, Perth, Australia. Author of The Big Picture: Building Blocks of a Christian World View (Paternoster, 2015), and The Tortoise Usually Wins (Paternoster, 2013)

About the Author:

Terry is an Englishman living with his lovely wife Sue in Western Australia. He loves listening to progressive rock music and he likes to think he is a good cook. Terry is a Pastor of a small church in the southern suburbs of Perth and he writes a weekly blog called 'The best is yet to come' - bite-size devotions to challenge and encourage. You can find it at: https: //

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
Product Weight: 0.36 lbs
Author: Nightingale, Terry
Publication Date: 2020-12-15
Language: English
Publisher: KHARIS PUB
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9781946277725