THE SEVEN time-travel adventure series follows a group of kids who are given incredible powers (mapping to the gifts of the spirit) which begin day then find each other over the course of the book series. They unite to battle a villain who is trying to disrupt Bible history. In the first book of the series FLOOD, Josh Davidson's dad, Edison, has created a time travel backpack that is stolen by the evil Dr. Bales, who uses it to travel to Noah's day to sink the ark! Josh and his newfound friends, with the help of Big Mike, an operative with a secret, covert organization, follow Dr. Bales to stop him before all of humanity (and nature) is completely destroyed. THE SEVEN carefully follows biblical history and even throws in some archaeology to show the truth behind the Bible. Every book has a secret code adventurers can decipher, testing to see how carefully they are reading.
Product Details
Format: Paperback
Pages: 208
Product Weight: 0.75 lbs
Author: Schmidt, Troy
With: Lynch, Dan
Publication Date: 2023-12-01
Language: English
Audience Age Group: 08 to 12
Number of Units in Package: 1
ISBN: 9781571027030