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The Essential Nestingen: Essays on Preaching, Catechism, and the Reformation

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 The Essential Nestingen: Essays on Preaching, Catechism, and the Reformation
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Price: CDN$60.78
Product ID: 952620

James Arne Nestingen (1945-2222) was a beloved pastor, seminary professor, and most of all a confessor and preacher of the Gospel of Jesus. The essays in The Essential Nestingen: Essays on Preaching, Catechism, and the Reformation represent his scholarly but at the same accessible work in these three areas of his research and teaching. Spanning over three decades of his ministry as a teacher of the church, these essays find a common focus in Christ who is the end of the law for righteousness (Romans 10:4). They remain timely and serve not only as a testimony to Nestingen erudite scholarship but as a resource for the edification for a new generation of both pastors and lay people who share Nestingen passion for " handing over the goods" that he found in Luther and the Lutheran Confessions.

Product Details


Format: Hardcover
Pages: 290
Editor: Pless, John T.
Publication Date: 2025-10-14
Language: English
Publisher: 1517 PUB
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9781964419121