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Sacred Sex: A Spiritual Celebration of Oneness in Marriage

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 Sacred Sex: A Spiritual Celebration of Oneness in Marriage
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Price: CDN$27.36
Product ID: 211794

"Sacred Sex" shows how couples can experience a beautiful, God-ordained life of intimacy that blesses them far beyond the bedroom walls.

For years, Christians have been told that sex is God's creation, designed by him as a gift to husbands and wives. Yet few couples actually experience sex as a spiritual, God-ordained experience. Rather than admit their lack of fulfillment, many couples hide their disappointment and confusion, while others attempt to solve the problem through better sexual technique.
Unfortunately, all the advice on improved technique fails to explain the one thing that makes sense of it all. Despite the proliferation of resources to enhance sexual satisfaction, couples continue to struggle in their sexual relationship. In fact, author and licensed counselor Tim Gardner estimates that as few as 2 percent of married couples ever experience a truly exciting, energizing, and soul-touching physical bond. But now, that can change.
A couple's sexual relationship has a far higher purpose than pleasure or procreation. Scripture makes it clear that sex is the one thing on earth that joins two people into one. Now readers can learn how to approach marital sex in a way that brings the fulfillment of true oneness. "Sacred Sex" shows how they can experience a beautiful, God-ordained life of intimacy that blesses them far beyond the bedroom walls, serves as an act of worship to God, and touches their hearts and souls in ways they never could have imagined.

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
Product Weight: 0.67 lbs
Author: Gardner, Tim Alan
Publication Date: 2002-05-21
Language: English
Dewey Decimal Classification: 248
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9781578564613