"Some have exalted religious fasting beyond all Scripture and reason, and others have utterly disregarded it." JOHN WESLEY The New Testament believer is either doing too little or too much of fasting without achieving much. What does the Bible teach and why are people fasting without getting desired results? In this simple but balanced look at the believers' most neglected practice, Pastor Sam shows you how to reclaim the potency in fasting; strong enough to kill the flesh and powerfully effective in subduing evil forces. The Fast Track is a book that will show you the quickest path to a true and godly, genuine and humble fast that is seen, successful, and satisfying.
Product Details
Format: Paperback
Pages: 166
Product Weight: 0.37 lbs
Author: Adewunmi, Sam O.
Publication Date: 2017-01-05
Language: English
Number of Units in Package: 1
ISBN: 9781907734182