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Faith Meets World: The Gift and Challenge of Catholic Social Teaching

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 Faith Meets World: The Gift and Challenge of Catholic Social Teaching
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Price: CDN$6.99
Product ID: 291695

Faith Meets World: Gift and Challenge of Catholic Social Teaching offers a non-academic explanation and overview of Catholic social teaching for the Catholic in the pew who wants to learn more about this aspect of the Church. Author Barry Hudock explores the historical development of these teachings and guides the reader through their basic themes: human dignity, solidarity, human rights, the common good, universal destination of goods, the preferential option for the poor, subsidiarity, and participation. In the last part, the author encourages the reader to take action by living the tenets of Catholic social teaching. The book provides an up-to-date overview for individuals or groups that will inspire them to take the Church's social teachings to heart.

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
Product Weight: 0.50 lbs
Author: Hudock, Barry
Publication Date: 2013-04-15
Language: English
Dewey Decimal Classification: 261.088
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9780764822247