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El Bautismo de Su Beb

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 El Bautismo de Su Beb
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Price: CDN$9.10
Product ID: 504629

El bautismo de tu bebe representa un momento de inmensa felicidad. No por nada hacemos fiesta e invitamos a nuestros seres queridos para que se unan a la celebracion. Pero, que es lo que celebramos?, pues celebramos -y experimentamos- el gran amor que Dios tiene por el y por todas las demas personas que participan de este sacramento. Este dia contiene un profundo significado de vida, mas aun, de vida nueva capaz de hacer que todos podamos volver a nacer. Baptism is the beginning of your child's life of faith. As parents and primary educators, you have the privilege and duty of carrying this new son or daughter of God into Christ's family and bride, the Church. This faith-formation manual will prepare you for your baby's special day, as well as remind you of your own baptismal promises and calling. With the priest or deacon, godparents, parish, friends, and family, your baby's baptism will be a celebration and sign of lifelong love and grace.

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 16
Product Weight: 0.15 lbs
Author: Ramirez de Leon, Antonio
Publication Date: 2014-10-15
Language: Spanish
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9780764825101