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Journey of Faith for Children, Enlightenment and Mystagogy Leader Guide

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 Journey of Faith for Children, Enlightenment and Mystagogy Leader Guide
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Price: CDN$36.46
Product ID: 587682

The ever-popular and long-running RCIA program, Journey of Faith for Children, has a fresh, new look and expanded leader materials. Written in the engaging, pastoral style of the Redemptorists, Journey of Faith and Jornada de Fe (previously, Camino de Fe) speak more clearly to children using simple language that speaks directly to them. New content more fully addresses faith topics and questions in a catechetical approach to RCIA.

Journey of Faith for Children, Enlightenment guides children through a period of self-reflection and preparation for the sacraments in a way that's relevant to where they are in their own lives. Children learn about God's mercy and forgiveness, through an introduction to the scrutinies, and the Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Children also participate in a group Lenten retreat before becoming fully initiated into the Church. In Journey of Faith for Children, Mystagogy, the children, now full members of the Church, discover their mission to go out and evangelize. These lessons focus on how to become a witness for Christ, how to continue the faith formation process, and how to share their enthusiasm for the faith.

This comprehensive Leader Guide gives you everything you need to walk into your RCIA class and start leading. Whether you're a veteran RCIA instructor or a first year volunteer. The expanded materials include:

  • New, wraparound design that enables you to see what the children see so you can spend more time teaching and growing in faith alongside your group
  • Complete instructions for how to use Journey of Faith with an explanation of the lesson plan components including schedule options
  • Tips on how to be an effective catechist
  • Practical suggestions for teaching in a group setting
  • Child-friendly activities and examples to help the catechist teach more complex concepts
  • A complete glossary of all new concepts and terms taught in the lessons

Product Details


Format: Spiral
Pages: 112
Product Weight: 1.00 lbs
Author: Mudd, John
Publication Date: 2017-08-01
Language: English
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9780764827198