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You are God's masterpiece

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 You are God\'s masterpiece
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Price: CDN$22.50
Product ID: 824777

Do not be afraid, you are God with a small g whereas he is God with a capital G, Ps82:1-6. When you criticize yourself you are also criticizing the intelligence of the one who created you, Rom14:7-8. No matter the circumstances; you were created to outshine; never underestimate your abilities. You are the most outstanding piece among all God's work. If he were to make a show off you would be his showpiece. Keep shining!!!

I wrote this book to enlighten everyone that dreams were made to come true. You were born unique, ensure that in every area you lay your hand or step your feet you leave a conspicuous mark, that's when your specialty will be visible. When you claim that you are unique and special it must be seen in actions because actions conveys message louder and faster than words.Continue digging on your dream, never give up for you will never know how far you are from the reach. You might fall, not once or twice, but always get up and start again until you get it right. Determination is one of the keys to success and failure is vital for your maturity. No matter how dark it may be there's always a light by the name of hope waiting for you to let it shine until fully manifested. It's not everything challenged that can be changed but nothing can be changed unless challenged. Never allow your condition to become your conclusion. Live your dream.

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 100
Product Weight: 0.32 lbs
Author: Annah, Thusi Nonhlanhla
Publication Date: 2015-01-27
Language: English
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9780620614177