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Going Against Goliath: How to Fight Cancer and Win!

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 Going Against Goliath: How to Fight Cancer and Win!
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Price: CDN$25.49
Product ID: 873394

Written by a three times cancer survivor, this book is a must-read for anyone facing and fighting cancer as well as for their caregivers.

Called from a scientific background into Christian ministry, Philip has the ideal background to furnish valuable factual advice and spiritual counsel to his readers. He shares candidly about how God helped him overcome malignant melanoma and prostate cancer and about his present struggles against multiple myeloma.

Philip sees no conflict between receiving medical treatment and exercising faith in God for healing. His book is packed with faith-building encouragement and will empower and inspire the reader to fight cancer and win.


If there's one thing that Philip achieves in his book, it's giving hope! In dealing with cancer, hope is certainly not a luxury but a necessity. He also answers some very pertinent questions. Well done!

-Leonard Stone, Senior Pastor: Maranatha Community Church; National Leader of The Christian Network (TCN), South Africa.

I enjoyed reading Philip's book - he has been my patient ever since he was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2017. I have witnessed first-hand his courageous battles against this disease which he refers to as his "Goliath." He shares valuable insights and medically sound advice out of the wealth of his personal experience. I believe that what he writes will be a source of encouragement and hope to any cancer sufferer.

-Dr Sarita Retief, Oncologist, Nelspruit Mediclinic.

About the Author:

Pastor Phil, as he is affectionately known, has pastored Living Waters Church in Sabie, South Africa, for the past thirty-four years.

Recently retired from pastoral ministry, he is now pursuing a career as a Christian writer. As a person who has thrice survived cancer, he feels called to encourage and coach others fighting the disease.

Philip and Desir

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
Product Weight: 0.45 lbs
Author: Robson, Philip
Publication Date: 2021-05-31
Language: English
Publisher: KHARIS PUB
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9781637460313