Case studies that vividly reimagine the meaning and applications of American religious history American Examples: New Conversations about Religion, Volume Four, continues the annual anthology series produced by the American Examples workshop at the University of Alabama's Department of Religious Studies. The goal of
American Examples is to examine examples of "something someone called religious, somewhere someone called America" by asking theoretical questions that exceed the boundaries of American religion or American religious history. This volume features seven essays exploring examples ranging from American Muslim headwear to online pickup artists to the connections between Dutch immigrants and Japanese students. This collection offers valuable insights for scholars and students within and beyond the field of American religious history.
Visit for more information on upcoming workshop dates and future projects
Michael J. Altman / Rachel E. C. Beckley / Yasmine Flodin-Ali / jem Jebbia / Steven Kaplin / Andrew Klumpp / Jacob Lassin / Candance Lukasik / Joshua Urich / Suzanne van Geuns
Altman, Michael J.
Urich, Joshua D.