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Faith is a Journey

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 Faith is a Journey
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Price: CDN$15.12
Product ID: 944223

The Jubilee of 2025, together with the essential dimension of hope, must push us to an ever-greater awareness of the fact that faith is a pilgrimage and that we on this Earth are pilgrims, not tourists or wanderers.... We are pilgrims....To walk like a pilgrim means that we have a landing place, that our movement has a direction, a goal. To walk means to have a destination and to not be at the mercy of chance....Those who have God in their hearts have received the gift of a North Star to strive for -the love we have received from God is the reason for the love we must offer to other people.

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 49
Product Weight: 0.11 lbs
Author: Francis, Pope
Publication Date: 2024-12-10
Language: English
Publisher: NEW CITY PR
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9781565486546